- If the message "The email address or password specified is incorrect," is displayed, there is either a problem with your email address and password combination, or they are not being recognized correctly.
- Have you entered your username in the email address entry area?
- If you have registered as a MagicPod user with a GitHub account, change the MagicPod password and use the new one and the email address of GitHub.
- Try to log in to the MagicPod website from the browser. If you are unable to log in, your email address or password is incorrect.
- If you directly edited the Settings file (magic_pod_config.json file. For details, see here for Mac, and here for Windows), there may have been a problem with the editing method. Mae sure that the settings file is written in JSON format.
- Even if you do not directly edit the settings file, the content of the settings may be incorrect, in rare instances, due to a problem with MagicPodDesktop. In this case, Mac users may be able to avoid this problem by deleting “/Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/magic_pod_desktop/json”, and Windows users by deleting “C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\magic_pod_desktop\magic_pod_config.json”.
- In case of any other error messages, there is a high probability that the cause of the error is communication or PC security issues.
- Can you connect to the Internet?
- This problem may occur if you are using an intra-company proxy server. For authenticated proxies, you can avoid the problem by running this settings.
- If you are using a local proxy such as Fiddler on your PC, MagicPod authentication may not work correctly. Try logging in again after quitting the local proxy.
- When using the default settings, the process may stop and the screen may go blank as it tries to automatically retrieve the OS proxy settings. This is regardless of whether the proxy exists or not. If you explicitly set the proxyServerUrl based on this settings(rather than auto) or specify none if you are not using a proxy, you may be able to avoid this problem.