We recommend upgrading MagicPodDesktop and magicpod-command-line within 3 months and strive to maintain backward compatibility for at least 6 months. (*This may not be guaranteed due to inevitable external changes.)
If you are running tests in a local PC environment, please update to the latest version, as using older versions may cause failures even if there are no issues with the test cases.
If the version is too old, the following message will be displayed.
You need to install the latest MagicPodDesktop since your version is too old and does not work correctly.
The message is displayed at two different times
- When the MagicPodDesktop application is launched from a browser.
- When you perform a batch run from the command line with MagicPodDesktop or magicpod-command-line (note that the message is displayed immediately after launching, not at the end of the test).