Here, we shall describe the screens and terms for making the various settings.
1. User information
From a user icon▼ on the top right, you can configure email, integrations, passwords, and accounts, as well as sign out.
- Email settings: You can change the email address for receiving test results emails, etc. For details, see Notification of test results
- Integrations: You can check how to use MagicPod Web API and how to integrate with external tools using it.
- Account settings: You can change the username, GitHub account association, two factor authentication (2FA), web push notification, language or time zone.
2. Overview
You can check the organization and the project.
3. Organization
If you click on the organization name, you can check the projects and the members, the usage situation, and the settings.
- Projects: You can confirm, add, and duplicate projects.
- Members: You can check members, add members, set permissions, etc. For details, see Run batch tests/Run batch tests from the command line (Cloud environment)/Run batch tests from the command line (Local PC environment).
- Usages: You can confirm the number of projects, tests cases, and visual diff steps.
- Settings: You can change the organization information, check or change the plan, and check the payment information.
4. Project
If you click the project name, you can check test cases, test batch run, shared steps, members, settings, etc.
- Test cases: You can check, add, delete, copy, and sort.
- Batch runs: For details, see Running Batch Tests and Command Line Tests/Executing Batch Tests/Command Line Tests (Local PC Test)
- Shared steps: For details, see Utilizing shared steps
- Settings: You can change the project name, etc., delete a project, check and add test case labels, etc., and set multi-lang data patterns. For details, see Running only specific test cases as a batch/Utilization of Multi-lang Data Patterns
5. Description of terms
Here, we shall explain some terms also introduced in 2. How to Create a Test.
- Organization Corresponds to one company. This is the unit of MagicPod contracts.
- Project This corresponds to one Web service.
- Test case This corresponds to one test scenario, such as “Member registration is successful” or “Charged registration procedures are successful.”
- Test This is the same as “test case”.
- UI This is the screen captured when creating a test.
- UI element These are items on the UI, such as input items, buttons, and pulldown options.
- Shared UI Use of the UI is shared amongst multiple test cases.
- Step One line of the test case
- Command Instructions run for each step of the test case.
- Run each step test Run all steps for one test. You cannot run all the steps unless you end the element inspection mode.
- Batch run Run all steps within the project as a batch. You can perform a scheduled execution or run by specifying a special test case.
Run partial steps Run for only some steps of the test case.
Locator Character string for specifying UI elements operated at the time of the test (id, xpath, css selector, etc.) The user can add an original locator.
Test run settings dialog Dialog to configure settings for test execution. You can set the Browser type, Window size, etc.
- Batch run settings screen Screen to configure settings for batch run. In addition to the settings available in the Test run settings dialog, you can set up scheduled runs and specify target test cases for execution.
Next, we shall explain how to establish test automation practices in your organization in the fastest possible time.
→5. Establish test automation habits as quickly as possible (Browser)