If you receive such an error, please follow steps 1 through 5 below.
1. Check the device information
Run the following from the Mac terminal to display the device-specific identification information (alphanumeric).
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb devices
- If displayed correctly: Please contact support as there may be a problem on the MagicPod side.
- If nothing displayed: This is often a problem with the settings or connection status. Please proceed to the next step 2.
2. Check the connection of USB cable
It is possible that the Android device is not properly connected with the USB cable. If this is connected properly, the charging mark of the device should be in the charging state. If it does not work despite the charging mark appearing, reconnecting the cable may resolve the problem.
3. Check the type of USB cable
Depending on the USB cable, it is possible that the device cannot be operated from the PC even though it is actually charging. This may be resolved by swapping the USB cable with another one.
4. Check the device information again
Run the following from the Mac terminal to display the device information.
~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb devices
- If displayed correctly: Please contact support as there may be a problem on the MagicPod side.
- If nothing displayed: This is often a problem with the settings or connection status. Please proceed to the next step 5.
5. Check the settings of "Option settings for developers"
It is possible that the Option settings for developers on the Android device are not set correctly.