You can use MagicPod to test a Web application running on a browser.
Supported browsers include Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer (only ver. 11), Safari, Edge (Chromium), and Edge (IE mode).
1. Setup for creating a test
Installing the browser
Install the browser you wish to use for the test (Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) on the PC to be used. The latest version of the browser should be used.
If you encounter an error(s) when using an older version, these can be resolved by using this procedure.
Installing MagicPodDesktop
MagicPodDesktop is required to create and run tests.
For Mac
First, download the latest version of MagicPodDesktop.
Alternatively, you can download it by executing the following command in the terminal:
curl -L "" -H "Authorization: Token {apikey}" --output {filename}.zip
- {apikey}: API token
- {filename}: Arbitrary file name
After downloading the zip file using one of the above methods, double-click it to unzip and place MagicPodDesktop into the Applications folder.
If you attempt to open MagicPodDesktop at the location to which it was downloaded, you may see an error such as “Unable to find "%@" or “Unable to open MagicPodDesktop," and you may be unable to open the application.
From this point on, MagicPodDesktop will launch automatically every time you click the Connect or Run button on the test case edit screen.
For Windows
First, download the latest MagicPodDesktop installer.
Alternatively, you can download it by executing the following command in the command prompt:
curl -L "" -H "Authorization: Token {apikey}" --output {filename}.exe
- {apikey}: API token
- {filename}: Arbitrary file name
After downloading the exe file using one of the above methods, right-click the file and select Open to run the installer.
When the following installation complete dialog box is displayed, it is fine.
From this point on, MagicPodDesktop will launch automatically every time you click the Connect or Run button on the test case edit screen.
Preparing to perform a test on Internet Explorer or Safari
When performing a test on Internet Explorer or Safari, there are a few more required settings and restrictions in addition to the normal setup. Configure these, respectively, using the following links.
Other points to note
Only UI capture and test case execution are supported on non-Chrome/Edge browsers. Perform test case creation and editing tasks on Chrome/Edge.
2. Creating and running test cases
Refer to this page for how to create and run test cases. .
There are many common aspects in terms of how mobile and web tests are created and run. Utilize the Features Guide for more practical usage.
Practical usage specific to web tests is presented in the following.