MagicPodDesktop Proxy Settings
MagicPodDesktop automatically uses the proxy settings of the PC on which it is installed to connect to the internet, so no special proxy configuration is usually required. However, in case it is necessary to authenticate to the Proxy Server, and a problem occurs with automatic use of the proxy settings, it will be necessary to configure the MagicPodDesktop proxy settings using the following method.
First, open the MagicPodDesktop settings file, magic_pod_config.json. This file is located in C:\Users\<Username>\ AppData\Roaming\ magic_pod_desktop on Windows, and /Users/<Username>/ Library/Application Support/magic_pod_desktop on Mac. Set the necessary proxy information in this settings file as follows.
"proxyServerUrl": "specify URL, auto (use OS settings), or none (do not use proxy). When omitted, this defaults to auto",
"proxyServerAuthType": "none (no authentication), basic, or ntlm. When omitted, this defaults to none",
"proxyServerAuthUser": "username when authenticating to the proxy",
"proxyServerAuthPassword": "password when authenticating to the proxy",
"proxyExcludedDomains": [
"Domain names to be excluded from proxy",
"Multiple domain names can be listed",
"Their subdomains are also excluded"
In case the proxy uses a self-signed certificate
In this case, MagicPodDesktop cannot use the PC proxy settings. Make sure that Extra root certificate is specified from the Advanced settings tab of the test run settings dialog.
For example, if you are using Zscaler, enter the full path in this field, like C:\Users\**\Downloads\ZscalerRootCertificate-**.crt.
If you are still unable to log in to MagicPodDesktop after the above settings, add the following settings to magic_pod_config.json.
"testCondition": {
"extra_ca_certificates": {
"local_file_paths": [
"path to extra root certificate file"
Install a root certificate on the iOS simulator
When using an iOS simulator, it is necessary to install a root certificate on the iOS simulator to allow communication through the proxy. In this case, as well, be sure to specify Extra root certificate from the Advanced settings tab of the test run settings dialog.
Proxy settings to connect to the site being tested
As the browser running the test uses the proxy settings as set on the machine, no special proxy configuration is usually required.
However, for proxies that require basic authentication, you will be asked for a password every time you open the browser. By setting the proxy server host in the OS proxy settings to <proxy user name>:<proxy password>@host (e.g., you can avoid being asked for the password every time.