You can download from the three-dot menu button on each batch run page in the Batch runs tab.
It is also possible to download from the command line. In that case, there are two methods: using the MagicPod Web API or using the magicpod-api-client. Since the magicpod-api-client allows for one-command downloads, it is the recommended method.
Download with magicpod-api-client
Refer to this guide for the basic usage of the magicpod-api-client.
Using this command, you can download screenshots for a specified batch run.
./magicpod-api-client get-screenshots -t {API_token} -o {organization_name} -p {project_name} -b {batch_run_number}
For details about the get-screenshots command, run the following command to check the documentation.
./magicpod-api-client help get-screenshots
Download with MagicPod Web API
Refer to this guide for the basic usage of the MagicPod Web API.
1. Send a POST API request
This starts the process of obtaining the screenshots. "batch_task_id" is returned as a response, which will be used in Step 2 to monitor the status of the batch task.
2. Repeat GET API requests
Regularly send requests to this API until the returned status becomes "succeeded".
3. Send a GET API request
Retrieve the screenshots.