Changes breaking backward compatibility
Upgraded the Chrome and Edge version on cloud browser to 117. It can cause some visual diffs in cloud browser test results.- (2023-10-07) As some test cases had troubles, Chrome version has been reverted to 116.
Now the public APIs to get batch run information provide duration of batch runs and test case runs.Fix
Fixed an issue where a server error could occur when trying to download a CSV from an empty data pattern.
Mobile App Testing
Added Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro for Android cloud device.Fix
Fixed an issue where UI capture sometimes failed in Android.Fix
Improved stability of the “Rotate screen” command in iOS testing.Fix
Mitigated an issue causing some batch runs to fail with the message “Cloud device session was terminated due to an unexpected error.”
Browser Testing
Fixed an issue where UI capture failed for particular web pages.Fix
Resolved an issue where captured UI elements’ size could become wrong.Fix
Fixed an issue where we failed to take screenshots or capture UIs after executing browser back / forward in cloud browser Chrome.Fix
Resolved an issue where cloud browser batch runs could fail to start with a message “Preparing test execution...”