The easiest way to run MagicPod tests from GitHub Actions is to use magicpod-api-client and follow these steps to run tests using a cloud device or external cloud service device.
Table of contents
- Create an execution configuration file for Fastlane
- Create a shell script
- Create an execution configuration file for GitHub Actions
- Confirmation of operation
1. Create an execution configuration file for Fastlane (Mobile apps only)
This step is necessary only for mobile app tests. For browser tests, proceed to Step 2.
This time, we will use Fastlane to build an application. To use Fastlane, we will create a text file named Fastfile that contains the execution settings.
Execute the following command under the top-level folder of the repository where the source code is located.
mkdir fastlane
touch fastlane/Fastfile
Write the following in the created Fastfile. (In this case, we will build an iOS application.)
See this document for details.
platform :ios do
desc "Create app file". # Any lane description
lane :magicpod_create_app do # Any lane name
app_dir_path = "magicpod_created_app" # Arbitrary directory to store the created application files
scheme: "magic_pod_demo_app", Scheme name specified in Xcode, which can be checked from Product > Scheme in Xcode
project: "magic_pod_demo_app.xcodeproj", # Project (or Workspace) name specified in Xcode
configuration: "Debug",
export_method: "ad-hoc",
derived_data_path: app_dir_path,
skip_package_ipa: true,
skip_archive: true,
destination: "generic/platform=iOS Simulator"
# add actions here:
2. Create a shell script
Create a shell script to run tests on MagicPod. Execute the following command under the top-level folder of the repository where the source code is located.
touch <Any file name(e.g. run_magicpod_test)>.sh
Write the following in the created shell script.
For Mobile app tests:
#!/bin/bash -e
# (Using -e, terminate processing at the line where there is a command error)
# Download and unzip the latest version of magicpod-api-client to the current directory
# For security, MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN is set using the GitHub Actions environment variables
OS=mac # Specify windows for builds on Windows machines and linux for builds on Linux machines
FILENAME=magicpod-api-client # Any file name
curl -L "${OS}/latest/" -H "Authorization: Token ${MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN}" --output ${FILENAME}.zip
unzip -q ${FILENAME}.zip
# Set the various environment variables used on MagicPod
export MAGICPOD_ORGANIZATION=<MagicPod organization name>
export MAGICPOD_PROJECT=<MagicPod project name>
# Upload the app/ipa/apk file to MagicPod, and acquire the FILE_NO.
APP_PATH=<Any directory to store the created app file (e.g. magicpod_created_app)>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
FILE_NO=$(./magicpod-api-client upload-app -a ${APP_PATH})
# Run batch tests using the app just uploaded and the test run settings number
TEST_SETTING_NUMBER=<MagicPod test run settings number>
./magicpod-api-client batch-run -S ${TEST_SETTING_NUMBER} -s "{\"app_file_number\":\"${FILE_NO}\"}"
# If the test is successful, delete the uploaded app (optional)
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
./magicpod-api-client delete-app -a ${FILE_NO}
For Browser tests:
#!/bin/bash -e
# (Using -e, terminate processing at the line where there is a command error)
# Download and unzip the latest version of magicpod-api-client to the current directory
# For security, MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN is set using the GitHub Actions environment variables
OS=mac # Specify windows for builds on Windows machines and linux for builds on Linux machines
FILENAME=magicpod-api-client # Any file name
curl -L "${OS}/latest/" -H "Authorization: Token ${MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN}" --output ${FILENAME}.zip
unzip -q ${FILENAME}.zip
# Set the various environment variables used on MagicPod
export MAGICPOD_ORGANIZATION=<MagicPod organization name>
export MAGICPOD_PROJECT=<MagicPod project name>
# Run batch test
TEST_SETTING_NUMBER=<MagicPod test run settings number>
./magicpod-api-client batch-run -S ${TEST_SETTING_NUMBER}
- For security,
is set in a GitHub environment variable.- First, go to<repository>/settings/secrets/actions, click New repository secret, input MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN in Name, and input a value copied from MagicPod API token in Secret.
TEST_SETTING_NUMBER=<MagicPod test run settings number
is not a test case number but a batch run number. - If you want to perform efficient processing without waiting for the batch execution to complete, use the
option. (For more details, click here.)
3. Create an execution configuration file for GitHub Actions
If the .github/workflows directory does not yet exist under the top-level folder of the repository containing the source code, create it by executing the following command.
mkdir -p .github/workflows
Create a file named <any file name>.yml under that the .github/workflows directory.
touch .github/workflows/<Any file name(e.g. magicpod_test)>.yml
Write the following in the created yml file.
For Mobile app tests:
# Execute this workflow when you push
on: [push]
# job name(Any job name)
# Specify virtual machine format
runs-on: macos-latest # Specify mac this time
# Steps in the job
# Step1(Checkout)
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Specify the latest version of actions
# Step2(Install Ruby)
- name: Set up ruby
uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: 3.1.2
# Step3(Install Fastlane)
- name: Install Fastlane
run: gem install fastlane
# Step4(Install brew)
- name: Setup brew
run: echo "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Step5(Select Xcode 13.2.1)
- name: Select Xcode version
run: sudo xcode-select -s '/Applications/'
# Step6(Output the Xcode version)
- name: Show Xcode version
run: xcodebuild -version
# Step7(Create app)
- name: Create app
run: fastlane magicpod_create_app # Lane name specified in Fastfile
# Step8(Upload the created app to MagicPod for batch run)
- name: Batch run test
MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN }} # Variable name set in GitHub
run: bash # Shell script created earlier
In this case, the version of Fastlane to be installed is not fixed, so if you want to fix it, use Bundler.
If you want to use Bundler, please refer to this page.
For Browser tests:
# Execute this workflow when you push
on: [push]
# job name(Any job name)
# Specify virtual machine format
runs-on: macos-latest # Specify mac this time
# Steps in the job
# Step1(Checkout)
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Specify the latest version of actions
# Step2(Execute batch tests using MagicPod)
- name: Batch run test
MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MAGICPOD_API_TOKEN }} # Variable name set in GitHub
run: bash # Shell script created earlier
4. Confirmation of operation
For Mobile app tests:
Push all of the following files to the repository where the source code is located, and you will see that the app built with Fastlane is being tested and run tests with MagicPod in the Actions tab in GitHub.
- Text file named Fastfile created in 1
- Shell script to run tests with MagicPod created in 2
- YML file created in 3
For Browser tests:
Push all of the following files to the repository where the source code is located, and you will see that it runs tests with MagicPod in the Actions tab in GitHub.
- Shell script to run tests with MagicPod created in 2
- YML file created in 3